First, let’s discuss who is an economic immigrant.

According to the classification of the Canadian government; an economic immigrant is someone who is selected for their ability to contribute to Canada’s economy through their ability to meet labour market needs, to own and manage or to build a business, to make a substantial investment, to create their own employment or to meet specific provincial or territorial labour market needs.

Second, let’s discuss what economic class is:

According to Economic Classes part 6 of IRPR, the economic class consists of the federal skilled worker class, the Quebec skilled worker class, the provincial nominee class, the Canadian experience class, the federal skilled trades class, the Atlantic immigration class, the Quebec investor class, the Quebec entrepreneur class, the start-up business class, the self-employed persons class and the Quebec self-employed persons’ class.

Statistics about economic class are provided in the statistics topic. Please refer there to know how many economic immigrants are accepted each year under each category and where they all settle in Canada, among other details.

Who are the economic immigration programs designed for?

All of the Economic Class Canadian immigration programs are designed for the following seven groups of people.

1. Skilled workers,

2. Semi-skilled workers,

3. Students,

4. Businesspersons,

5. Healthcare workers,

6. Employers or communities,

and 7. French speakers.

How are economic immigration programs processed?

As mentioned in previous topics, economic immigration is the predominant immigration class in the Canadian Immigration System.

In 2023, Canada will accept 465,000 permanent residents, out of which 266,210 permanent residents will be accepted under this class.

This is not an easy endeavour, therefore, IRCC produced a really smart and fully automated processing system that helps them efficiently and effectively process hundreds of thousands of applicants. IRCC calls this system Express Entry. Though not all programs are processed under this system, it helps with the majority of the applications in a big way. Those federal and provincial programs that are processed under this quick and fully automated system are called express entry programs, and those programs that are not processed under this program can be called non-express entry programs.

What is Express Entry?

Express entry is a system; not an immigration program. This system helps IRCC to have a pool of qualified candidates that are ready to be processed quickly, in fact as quickly as in six months or less.

Though Canada has a lot of immigration programs, only a limited number of immigration programs are processed under the express entry system. Therefore, if you are not qualified for express entry programs, do not lose hope, you can still apply for a lot of other programs that are not processed under this system.

Currently, the following programs are processed under the express entry system:

1: the Federal Skilled Worker Program

2: the Federal Skilled Trades Program

3: the Canadian Experience Class

4: Almost every province has express entry programs for skilled workers who also select from express entry depending on their labour market needs.

How Express Entry Works?

Express Entry filters out non-eligible candidates through an automated eligibility questionnaire and only allows eligible candidates to create a profile. Once you go through the eligibility assessment and are found to be eligible, the system will give you a personalized 12-digit code which you can use to create an express entry profile. you must use this code to create your personal profile because this code will also transfer all of your eligibility questionnaire answers to your profile and save you time.

Once you created your profile, you will be placed in the pool of thousands of other candidates who are also eligible for the immigration programs that are processed under the express entry system. This pool of candidates is an advanced database that ranks all candidates based on the following factors: human capital factors, spouse or common law factors, skill transferability factors, and additional points such as arranged employment and Provincial nomination, etc.

However, not every person in this pool gets invited. Express entry will give you a score based on your qualifications and then automatically rank you against all other candidates in the pool, please note the pool is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so your rank can change every time other candidates enter the pool. IRCC ranks candidates in the pool using a point-based system called the Comprehensive Ranking System or C.R.S for short.

Once you are given the score, you will be able to see your score which does not change unless there is a change in your circumstances and updated your profile such as you acquired new education, etc. however, you are not able to see your ranking in the pool.

In ordinary circumstances, every two weeks, the Minister of immigration issues instructions that include when the candidates from the pool should be invited to apply for permanent residence, how many candidates should be invited, which immigration programs should be invited, for example only invite candidates who are eligible under Canadian experience class or under PNP or under federal skilled workers program or under federal skilled trades program. Sometimes, the minister does not specify any program and invites top-ranking candidates from all programs.

Under the NOC 2021 updated system, the minister would be able to invite candidates based on a specific profession as well.

All information about the express entry rounds of invitations, ranking, number of candidates under each CRS score range, and minister’s instructions are available on the official government website.

A printable version of the comprehensive ranking score calculator is available at the following link.

Express Entry Comprehensive Ranking System

With SpouseSingle 
A. Core Human Capital Factors460500 
Age Maximum100110 
17 or less00 
45 or more00 
Level of Education Maximum140150 
less than secondary school (high school) credential00 
Secondary school (high school) credential2830 
1-year post-secondary program credential8490 
2-year post-secondary program credential9198 
≥3 year post-secondary program credential112120 
≥2 post-secondary program credentials (one being at least 3 years, another one at minimum of 1 year)119128 
Master’s OR Entry-to-practice professional degree126135 
Language Proficiency First Official Language – each ability128136 
Less than CLB 400 
CLB 4 OR 5 {(L4.5, R3.5, W4, S4) or (R4, 5 in all others)}6+6+6+6=246+6+6+6=24 
CLB 6 (5 in Reading, 5.5 in all others)8+8+8+8=329+9+9+9=36 
CLB 7 (6 in all four abilities)16+16+16+16=6417+17+17+17=68 
CLB 8 (7.5 in Listening, 6.5 in all others)22+22+22+22=8823+23+23+23=92 
CLB 9 (8 in Listening, 7 in all others)29+29+29+29=11631+31+31+31=124 
CLB ≥ 10 (L8.5, R8, W7.5, S7.5)32+32+32+32=12834+34+34+34=136 
Second Official Language – each ability2224 
CLB 4 or less00 
CLB 5 or 61+1+1+1=41+1+1+1=4 
CLB 7 or 83+3+3+3=123+3+3+3=12 
CLB 9 or more6+6+6+6=246+6+6+6=24 
Canadian Work Experience (legally obtained in NOC 0/A/B in the last 10 years)7080 
None or less than a year00 
1 year3540 
2 years4653 
3 years5664 
4 years6372 
5 years or more7080 
B. Spouse or Common-law partner Factors40n/a 
Less than secondary school (high school) credential0n/a 
Secondary school (high school) credential2n/a 
1-year post-secondary program credential6n/a 
2-year post-secondary program credential7n/a 
≥3 year post-secondary program credential8n/a 
≥2 post-secondary program credentials (one being at least 3 years)9n/a 
Master’s OR Entry-to-practice professional degree10n/a 
Language Proficiency20n/a 
CLB 4 or less0n/a 
First Official Language – each ability CLB 5 or 61+1+1+1=4n/a 
First Official Language – each ability CLB 7 or 83+3+3+3=12n/a 
First Official Language – each ability CLB ≥ 95+5+5+5=20n/a 
Canadian Work Experience10n/a 
None or less than a year0n/a 
1 year5n/a 
2 years7n/a 
3 years8n/a 
4 years9n/a 
≥ 5 years10n/a 
C. Skills Transferability Factors (Max 100, can not get more than 100 even if score more)100100 
Education & First Official Language Abilities  5050 
Secondary school (high school) credential or less00 
≥ 1-year post-secondary program degree + CLB 7 & one CLB 91313 
≥ 2 post-secondary degrees + CLB 7 & one CLB 92525 
≥ 1-year post-secondary program degree + CLB 92525 
≥ 2 post-secondary degrees + CLB 9 in all abilities5050 
Education & Canadian Work Experience (CWE)5050 
Secondary school (high school) credential or less00 
≥ 1-year post-secondary program degree + 1 year CWE1313 
≥ 2 post-secondary degrees + 1 year CWE2525 
≥ 1-year post-secondary program degree + 2+ year CWE2525 
≥ 2 post-secondary degrees + 2+ year CWE5050 
Foreign Work Experience & First Language Abilities5050 
No foreign work experience or less than 1 year00 
1-2 years + CLB 7+ in all 4 areas, ≥ 1 CLB 91313 
≥ 3 years + CLB 7+ in all 4 areas, ≥ 1 CLB 92525 
1-2 years + CLB 9+ in all 4 areas2525 
≥ 3 years + CLB 9+ in all 4 areas5050 
Foreign Work Experience (FWE) & Canadian Work Experience (CWE)5050 
No foreign work experience00 
1-2 years FWE + 1 year Canadian work experience1313 
≥ 3 years FWE + 1 year Canadian work experience2525 
1-2 years FWE + 2+ year Canadian work experience2525 
≥ 3 years FWE + 2+ year Canadian work experience5050 
Certificate of Qualification and Language (for people in trade occupation) – F.S.T program5050 
Certificate of Qualification + CLB 5+ in all 4 areas, ≥ 1 CLB 72525 
Certificate of Qualification + CLB 7+ in all 4 areas.5050 
D. Additional Factors (Provincial Nominee or Offer of Employment or Education in Canada)600600 
Provincial Nomination (Named on provincial nominee certificate)600600 
Arranged Employment (Offer of Employment from a Canadian company) Max 200  200200 
Qualifying offer of employment – NOC 00200200 
Qualifying offer of employment – NOC 0, A or B5050 
Post-secondary education in Canada (Max 30)3030 
Credential of one or 2 years1515 
Credential three years or longer3030 
Brother or Sister living in Canada (PR or Citizen) (18 years or more only)  1515 
French Language Skills5050 
Scored NCLC 7 (French CLB 7) or higher on all four French language skills and scored CLB 4 or lower in English (or didn’t take an English test)2525 
Scored NCLC 7 (French CLB 7) or higher on all four French language skills and scored CLB 5 or higher on all four English skills5050 
Overall Total Maximum
1Total points under human capital factors (Section A)460500
2Total points under spouse/common law spouse factors (Section B)400
3Total points under skills transferability factors (Section C)100100
4Total points under additional factors – section (Section D)600600
Settlement Funds required (in Canadian dollars) Updated on June 9, 2022 
Number of family members   
For each additional family member$3,586 

Note: You don’t need to calculate your CRS score manually, the IRCC website will do it for you automatically. Simply search CIC CRS calculator on any search engine and they will show you the automatic calculator.

Major Steps in Express Entry Application

Step 1: Answer the express entry eligibility question, it will take approximately 15 minutes.

Step 2: If you were found eligible, you will be given a code and asked to create an express entry profile. you do not need to upload documents at this stage, you just simply create a profile.

Step 3: You are placed in the pool, given scores and ranked in the express entry system.

Step 4: If you were one of the top candidates and selected in the bi-weekly draws, you will be invited to apply for permanent residence.

Step 5: You have 60 days to upload and submit your documents.

There are two important things you need to consider for completing and submitting your EE profile,

First, your documents need to be ready because the majority of express entry applications are completed in 6 months or less,

Second, you must have done due diligence and know your correct job title and code based on the Canadian National Occupational Classification (NOC 2021) system.

Express Entry Application and Documents Checklist

This application process and documents checklist is for express entry programs that include the Canadian Experience Class, Federal Skilled Worker Program, Federal Skilled Trades Program and some provincial nominee programs.

Express Entry has a two-step process:

Step One: Create an express entry profile. You are not required to upload documents when you create your own express entry profile.

Step Two: Once you are invited to apply for permanent residence, you will need to upload copies of the documents you have mentioned in the profile.

It is advisable that you collect the following documents once you become eligible to create your express entry profile. You will know your score and will have an idea from the rounds of invitations whether you have a chance to be invited or not. If your scores are good, you better prepare your documents in advance, because once you are invited, you will be given 60 days to complete and submit these documents which may not be sufficient time for a lot of candidates.

If you miss the 60 days deadline, you will need to create a new profile and start again.

You will be given a personalized checklist once you are invited, however, the following list includes all documents that may or may not be applicable to you:

1) Valid passport,

2) language test results,

3) proof of Canadian education or education credential assessment.

4) provincial nomination certificate, (if any)

5) written job offers from an employer in Canada (if any)

6) police certificate for you and your family members.

7) Immigration Medical Exam (I.M.E) from a panel physician for you and your family members.

8) proof of funds based on your family composition.

9) birth certificates,

10) use of a representative form if applicable.

11) common law union form if applicable.

12) marriage certificate if applicable.

13) divorce certificate and legal separation agreement if applicable.

14) death certificate if applicable.

15) adoption certificate if applicable.

Optional documents:

1) proof of relationship to a relative in Canada

2) digital photos to confirm your identity

another name to confirm aliases

3) authority to release personal information to a designated individual form if applicable.

4) any other documents that you feel are relevant to your application

Please note, if you created a false profile but you were not able to provide proof of documents, you should not accept the invitation. If you accept the invitation and IRCC finds out, you will be banned from Canada for 5 years for misrepresentation.

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