- Normal postal service restored
The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) has therefore resumed regular correspondence procedures using Canada Post.
- Board establishes Inventory Reduction Task Force for Less Complex Claims
The Chairperson has established a Task Force which will focus on claims that lend themselves to quicker resolution through paper-based or short hearing decisions.
- Notice of Revocation of a Jurisprudential Guide
Please be advised that the Chairperson of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) has revoked decision MB6-01059/60 of the Refugee Appeal Division.
- The Federal Court has overturned a three member panel decision
(TB6-03419/20/21/22) of the Refugee Appeal Division
- Notice of prohibition – Smedley Prescod
On September 27, 2018, the IRB issued an Interim Order prohibiting Smedley Prescod from representing or appearing on behalf of any person before any Division of the IRB.
- Attention IRB Employees Working in the National Capital Region – Regarding Storm Situation
Please note that all IRB operations in the National Capital Region will resume tomorrow, Tuesday, September 25, 2018.
- Attention IRB employees working in the National Capital Region
As you know, a tornado and violent storm occurred in the National Capital Region (NCR) on Friday, September 21, 2018.
- Practice Notice: Elimination of duplicate Refugee Protection Division notice and reasons of decision
Effective September 10, 2018, appellants filing with the RAD no longer need to submit the notice of decision and the written reasons for a RPD decision that is being appealed.
- Allegations against Former Counsel – IRB Procedures
The IRB has issued a practice notice to outline the steps to be followed when a person who is the subject of an IRB proceeding alleges that they have been inadequately represented by their former counsel.
- Refugee News: Summer 2018 Edition Released
The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) has published the summer edition of Refugee News; its quarterly newsletter.
- RPD to begin holding hearings in Ottawa
On September 10, 2018, the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) will begin hearing claims for refugee protection in Ottawa.
- Confirmation of Referral Now Provided to Refugee Protection Claimants
Starting August 29, 2018, refugee protection claimants are being provided with a Confirmation of Referral by officers of the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
- The IRB’s Calgary office is moving to its new location August 7, 2018
The Calgary office of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) will be moving between August 4 and 6, 2018 to the Harry Hays building located at Suite 185, 220 4th Ave SE, Calgary AB T2G 4X3.
- IRB’s response to the audit on long-term detention reviews
The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) is committed to continuous improvement in the delivery of administrative justice.
- Updated version of Interpretation of the Convention Refugee Definition in the Case Law
The Interpretation of the Convention Refugee Definition in the Case Law is a document prepared by the Legal Services of the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) as a source of detailed legal reference.
- Identification of Jurisprudential Guide – Nigeria
A refugee appeal decision regarding claims from Nigeria has been identified as a Jurisprudential Guide (JG).
- Immigration Appeal Division: increased videoconferencing capabilities at hearings for remote testimony
I am pleased to announce that as of July 9, 2018, nearly all Immigration Appeal Division (IAD) hearing rooms will be equipped with videoconferencing technology for the purposes of remote testimony.
- Welcome to our new website!
We have recently updated our website design, so you may notice some differences while navigating our site.
- Public Release of the Review of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada
The IRB acknowledges the publication of the final report of the independent review of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada led by Neil Yeates.
- Launch of IRB Facebook Pages
Launch of IRB Facebook Pages
- Release of Two Practice Notices Relating to the Disclosure of Evidence to the Refugee Protection Division
The Deputy Chairperson of the RPD has recently issued two new practice notices.
- Refugee Protection Division Member Recruitment
The Refugee Protection Division (RPD) has an immediate need to staff multiple member (decision-maker) positions.
- IRB no longer mailing Refugee Appellant’s Kit
The Refugee Appellant’s Kit helps walk appellants through the IRB refugee appeal process. The previous practice was deemed to be cost ineffective and unnecessary and did not conform to environmentally sustainable practices.
- Publication of Information Gathering Mission Report: Honduras
The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canda (IRB), in conjunction with its partners, conducted an information-gathering mission to Honduras.
- The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada changes how refugee hearings are scheduled
February 20, 2018 – Ottawa, ON – The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) is changing its scheduling practice for refugee hearings and will now be hearing claims primarily in the order in which they were received.
- UPDATE – Temporary Procedures regarding the Submission of the Basis of Claim Form in Quebec Extended Until Further Notice
Please note that the procedures for providing the Basis of Claim form in Quebec have temporarily changed in light of the recent surge in claims in that province.
- Acting Chairperson for the IRB
Effective January 9, 2018, Mario Dion has stepped down as Chairperson of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada to assume his new position as Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner.
- Procedures for Making a Complaint about a Member
The Chairperson of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) has issued Procedures for Making a Complaint about a Member. These procedures replace the Protocol Addressing Member Conduct Issues.
- Immigration Appeal Division: New scheduling practices in all regions
Beginning in January 2018, the IAD will modify its scheduling practices. Instead of calling or faxing counsel directly, the IAD will email counsel with a date for a hearing or Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) conference.
Source: IRB Source URL: https://irb.gc.ca/en/news/2018/Pages/index.aspx Disclaimer: Unlock Immigration automatically imported this from IRB for ease of access. We did not edit, curate or amend the content in any way. All rights reserved to IRB. THIS FEED MAY CONTAIN ADS BECAUSE IT WAS PRODUCED BY AN EXTERNAL SOURCE.