Northwest Territories Skilled Worker 2023

How to apply? The application process is initiated and completed by an NWT employer (or their authorized representative). The employer needs to register by creating an employer user ID for each employee they would like to hire under this program. The employer will need to complete both sections of the employer’s application and nomination applicant sections and submit all documents. If the application was successful, the province will send a nomination certificate to the employer/authorized representative. Then, the nominee will need to apply for permanent residence to IRCC. The nominee and the employer also need to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which outlines the terms and conditions and responsibilities of both sides.

LanguageCLB/NCLC 7 for NOC TEER 0 OR 1, or CLB 5 for NOC TEER 2 OR 3 in either French or English.
ExperienceMust have 1-year full-time experience in the last 10 years in the relevant occupation. Must have the required experience to perform the job as mentioned in the job description and NOC.
EducationMust have the required education (or ECA) to perform the job as mentioned in the job description and NOC.
Settlement FundsA sufficient settlement fund is required. This is demonstrated by the job offer and pay rate.


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