Québec Self-employed Persons Class

This program is for a small number of applicants who would like to practice a profession or to create their own job in the province of Québec.

How to apply?

Download applications from the Québec immigration website and send them by courier to Direction de l’enregistrement et de l’évaluation comparative, in Montréal along with all supporting documentations. The immigration counsellor will check the application along with all the documentations and if necessary, will ask you for an interview or additional documents. If the counsellor accepts your application, you will receive your Certificat de sélection du Québec (CSQ – Québec Selection Certificate) by mail.


LanguageNCLC level 7 in French and CLB 5 in English. 
Experience2 years’ experience as self-employed in the same profession you would like to start in Québec.
OthersNet Assets: A minimum of $100,000 for both husband and wife/partner. Startup deposit: $25000 if you intend to practice or create your own job outside of the Montreal Metropolitan Community (MMC), OR, $50,000 if inside the MMC area.


https://www.immigration-Quebec.gouv.qc.ca/en/immigrate-settle/businesspeople/applying-business-immigrant/three-programs/self-employed-worker.html (Accessed in Sep 2021).

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