Saskatchewan Students 2023

You can apply if you have graduated from a recognized post-secondary institution in Saskatchewan OR in Canada and meet the program requirements. 

How to apply? Create a profile on the SINP Online portal, complete all sections and upload your documents. Your application will be assessed, and if approved, you will receive a SINP nomination approval letter, work permit support letter, and information on how to apply for PR to IRCC- Centralized Intake Office (CIO) in Sydney, Nova Scotia.

LanguageMinimum CLB/NCLC 4 for NOC TEER 4 or 5,
ExperienceMust have a minimum of 6 months of paid employment in Saskatchewan in the eligible types of work, including on-compass, off-compass, co-op terms, graduate fellowships, OR work experience gained with post-graduate work permit.
Job OfferMust have a valid job offer that is full-time, permanent, and related to your field of study from a SINP approved employer in NOC TEER 0, 1, 2 OR 3.
EducationMust have earned a certificate, diploma, or degree from a post-secondary institution in Saskatchewan. If you are graduated from an institute in Canada, the program must have been for 1 academic year (8 months) of full-time study and obtained from a recognized post-secondary institution in Canada with a certificate, diploma, or degree.
Settlement FundsMust have a PGWP from IRCC.


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