Alberta Farm Stream 2023

This program is for experienced farmers to come to Alberta and start or buy a farm and become permanent residents. 

How to apply? You need to fill out the application form and pay your fee online. Mail all the documents to the designated office. Email or fax applications are not accepted. 

Experience Must present proof of relevant farming experience.
EducationMust prove relevant farming education or training.
Ineligible applicantsIf you have an active AINP nomination, under a removal order, out of status, live-in caregiver, non-Alberta residents, or international student/co-op work placement. 
OthersInvestment: Must have the ability to invest a minimum of $500,000 in the production farming business in Alberta.
Net worth: must show a minimum Networth of $500,000.
Business Plan: it is needed for your proposed farming business in Alberta.
Finances: 1) financial proof of an existing farm business, 2) proof that a financial institution is willing to finance your farming business in Alberta.
Priority Sector: If you support Alberta’s agri-food targets, you will be given priority in the selection stage.


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