Refugee News: Summer 2018 Edition Released

Refugee News: Summer 2018 Edition Released Page Content The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) has published the summer edition of Refugee News; its quarterly newsletter. The Refugee Protection Division (RPD), the Refugee Appeal Division (RAD), and the Legacy Task Force produce…

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RPD to begin holding hearings in Ottawa

On September 10, 2018, the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) will begin hearing claims for refugee protection in Ottawa. As of this date, a team of Refugee Protection Division (RPD) members, who are based in Ottawa, will begin presiding over claims…

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Confirmation of Referral Now Provided to Refugee Protection Claimants

Starting August 29, 2018, refugee protection claimants are being provided with a Confirmation of Referral by officers of the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). The Confirmation of Referral contains important information for claimants, including:…

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The IRB’s Calgary office is moving to its new location August 7, 2018

The Calgary office of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) will be moving between August 4 and 6, 2018 to the Harry Hays building located at Suite 185, 220 4th Ave SE, Calgary AB T2G 4X3. The new…

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IRB’s response to the audit on long-term detention reviews

The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) is committed to continuous improvement in the delivery of administrative justice. This is why, in September 2017, the former Chairperson of the IRB commissioned an audit of long-term detention reviews. The aim…

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Updated version of Interpretation of the Convention Refugee Definition in the Case Law

Here is the updated version of the Legal Services paper Interpretation of the Convention Refugee Definition in the Case Law. The Interpretation of the Convention Refugee Definition in the Case Law is a document prepared by the Legal Services of…

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Immigration Appeal Division: increased videoconferencing capabilities at hearings for remote testimony

I am pleased to announce that as of July 9, 2018, nearly all Immigration Appeal Division (IAD) hearing rooms will be equipped with videoconferencing technology for the purposes of remote testimony. Videoconferencing is a more economical option for appellants over…

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Launch of IRB Facebook Pages

As part of our ongoing efforts to keep Canadians and stakeholders informed about the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada’s online activities, we have launched English and French Facebook pages. We encourage you to subscribe to these new pages, as we will…

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Release of Two Practice Notices Relating to the Disclosure of Evidence to the Refugee Protection Division

The Refugee Protection Division (RPD) has an obligation to proceed quickly and informally, but must also provide parties with a reasonable opportunity to present evidence. Despite previous efforts to decrease the amount of late and/or unnecessarily voluminous disclosure, challenges in…

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Identification of Jurisprudential Guide – Nigeria

Please be advised that the Acting Chairperson of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) identified a decision of the Refugee Appeal Division (RAD) as a Jurisprudential Guide (JG). This JG addresses internal flight alternatives in major cities in south…

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