Entrepreneur Immigration Regional Pilot 2023

This program is for you if you want to immigrate to BC through investment and actively manage a valid business in specific participating communities in BC. Regions include Cariboo, Kootenay, Mainland/Southwest, North Coast, Northeast, Thompson-Okanagan, and the Vancouver Island/Coast.

How to apply? You will need to have a creative business idea and then create a profile on BCPNP online and submit your business concept. If you were eligible, you will receive a score and if you meet the minimum requirements, you will be put in the qualified candidates’ pool. Periodically BCPNP will invite the highest score candidates from the pool through the same BCPNP Online.

Point SystemA total of 200 points in the following sections; self-declared section (140 points), Business concept (60 points).
Pass scoreThere is no minimum business concept score. 
LanguageAt least CLB/NCLC 4 in English or French.
ExperienceWithin the last 5 years, you must have either 3+ years as a business owner-manager, or 4+ years as a senior manager, or a combination of 1+ years of experience as a business owner-manager and 2+ years as a senior manager.
Job Offern. a
EducationMust have either a high school education or above, OR, at least 3 years of own active business owner-manager experience in the last 5 years.
Settlement Fundsn. a
OthersNetworth: At least $300,000.Investment: Minimum of 100,000. Ownership: At least 51%. A business Proposal is required for creating a new business, you cannot buy an existing business, moreover, you must be referred by an enrolled community. Job creation: Create at least 1 full-time job.  



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