Updated version of Interpretation of the Convention Refugee Definition in the Case Law

Here is the updated version of the Legal Services paper Interpretation of the Convention Refugee Definition in the Case Law.

The Interpretation of the Convention Refugee Definition in the Case Law is a document prepared by the Legal Services of the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) as a source of detailed legal reference. It summarizes Canadian case law and other legal instruments used in Canadian refugee law on key concepts for adjudicating refugee claims by the IRB.

By sharing this valuable tool with the public, the IRB offers a source of reference to better understand the concepts related to the recognition of Convention refugee status. This update replaces the previous 2010 version of the paper in its entirety. It includes case law up to March 31, 2018. This most recent update is a comprehensive review of the jurisprudence in one searchable and structured document that references recent and established case law, and reflects the constant developments in this field.

I trust that you will find this update useful.

Holly Holtman
Senior General Counsel

Source: IRB Source URL: https://irb.gc.ca/en/news/2018/Pages/updated-case-law-paper.aspx Disclaimer: Unlock Immigration automatically imported this from IRB for ease of access. We did not edit, curate or amend the content in any way. All rights reserved to IRB. THIS FEED MAY CONTAIN ADS BECAUSE IT WAS PRODUCED BY AN EXTERNAL SOURCE.

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