News – 2018

Normal postal service restored The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) has therefore resumed regular correspondence procedures using Canada Post. Board establishes Inventory Reduction Task Force for Less Complex Claims The Chairperson has established a Task Force which will…

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Normal postal service restored

Normal postal service restored Page Content As of December 18, Canada Post announced that normal postal service has been restored. The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) has therefore resumed regular correspondence procedures using Canada Post. For more information,…

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Board establishes Inventory Reduction Task Force for Less Complex Claims

Board establishes Inventory Reduction Task Force for Less Complex Claims Page Content As part of the Board’s ongoing efforts to increase productivity and introduce innovative case management approaches in the Refugee Protection Division (RPD), the Chairperson has recently established an Inventory…

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Notice of Revocation of a Jurisprudential Guide

Please be advised that the Chairperson of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) has revoked decision MB6-01059/60 of the Refugee Appeal Division as a Jurisprudential Guide with regard to internal flight alternative in India for claimants from Punjab. For…

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The Federal Court has overturned a three member panel decision

The Federal Court has overturned a three member panel decision Page Content The Federal Court has overturned the three member panel decision (TB6-03419/20/21/22) of the Refugee Appeal Division. Therefore, this decision is no longer binding on the RAD and has…

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Attention IRB Employees Working in the National Capital Region – Regarding Storm Situation

Attention IRB Employees Working in the National Capital Region – Regarding Storm Situation Page Content Please note that all IRB operations in the National Capital Region will resume tomorrow, Tuesday, September 25, 2018. Reminder that employees who have been personally…

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Attention IRB employees working in the National Capital Region

As you know, a tornado and violent storm occurred in the National Capital Region (NCR) on Friday, September 21, 2018.  Any immediate danger from this storm has passed and work is currently underway to clear debris and repair any damaged…

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Public Release of the Review of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada

The IRB acknowledges the publication of the final report of the independent review of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada led by Neil Yeates. The report makes three overarching findings: Organizations involved in the delivery of the refugee determination…

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Practice Notice: Elimination of duplicate Refugee Protection Division notice and reasons of decision

Effective September 10, 2018, appellants filing with the Refugee Appeal Division (RAD) no longer need to submit the notice of decision and the written reasons for a Refugee Protection Division (RPD) decision that is being appealed. The RAD has removed…

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Allegations against Former Counsel – IRB Procedures

The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) has issued a practice notice to outline the steps to be followed when a person who is the subject of an IRB proceeding alleges that they have been inadequately represented by their…

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